POW Physical Therapy is a facility dedicated to providing specialized one on one physical therapy and Pilates services.
Benefits of
POW Physical Therapy:
- Physical therapy treatments are one on one with your therapist for 45 minutes
- Pilates training may be incorperated into your physical therapy for therapeutic exercise
- Family atmosphere
- No use of aides
- Treatments are tailored to your specific needs
- Morning and evening hours for your convenience
- All physical therapists doctors of physical therapy
Where to find us
1889 Knoll Dr.
Ventura, CA 93003
Phone: 805-644-1591
Fax: 805-644-1593
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Fri 8am-7pm by appointment only
POW Physical Therapy was established by husband and wife team Jen Ballentine Evans and Matt Evans.
POW Physical Therapy specializes in the treatment of orthopedic dysfunction and all areas of women’s health.