
Acupuncture, originating from China, is a time-honored practice employed to alleviate various health issues and discomforts, most notably pain. An acupuncturist inserts very thin steel needles into your skin at multiple “acupoints.” The needles rebalance your body’s energy, or qi, and prompt your body to release natural chemicals to fight the illness or symptom. Acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain.

Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management. Studies have also shown that acupuncture may be a successful treatment option for a variety of conditions, including immune system issues, infertility and the effects of menopause.

Service Provided by

Lisa Turner L.Ac

Conditions Treated

  • Pain
  • Stress
  • Immune System Issues
  • Infertility
  • Effects of Menopause

Additional Services at POW Physical Therapy


Physical Therapy

Our therapists provide the highest quality one on one care without the use of aides or assistants to optimize recovery. Treatments include a wide range of interventions based on the needs of the specific patient.

Pelvic Health
Physical Therapy

Treatments for a wide variety of pelvic health conditions with privacy, compassion and individualized care.


Individualized treatment to promote physical and emotional well being


Mind body focused exercise that improves strength, flexibility, spinal stabilization and body awareness


Treatments provide physical benefits, mental benefits, pain management, improved sleep and circulation.


Treatments provide aromatherapy, massage, relaxation as well as improved skin texture, reduced signs of aging, reduced acne, improved skin hydration and improved blood circulation.


One on one research based nutrition advice for a wide variety of goals and medical conditions.

EMG/Nerve Conduction Studies

Crucial for identifying issues affecting the nerves that control movement and sensation in your arms, legs, hands, and feet. EMG is unique in its ability to assess the functional status of these nerves.